Dec 8, 2022 | Landcare, News
Landholders from Muttaburra to Windorah, Boulia and Urandangi have been working on improving degraded country, and stopping erosion. With workshops and demonstrations funded by the Australia Government’s National Landcare, and Sustainable Agriculture Programs the...
Dec 7, 2022 | Landcare, News
Unprecedented interest in a series of erosion and pasture rehabilitation workshops across the Desert Channels Region signifies the drive of landholders to improve pastures and return country to a sustainable level for commercial production after the ravages of...
May 20, 2021 | Landcare, News
We’re fortunate in our region to have landholders willing to try things, and it’s even more wonderful when their endeavours start to show results. The journey for John Wearing as he’s trialled seeding of Mitchell grass has been an interesting one, and you can see some...