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2 Richard Marver Ecologically Sustainable Rangelands Management (ESRM) planning, delivering NRM action and direction through collaboration
3 Saleena Ham Social identity in two rural communities; a prison or a path.
4 Caroline Harris Agriculture is Part of the Solution
5 John Brisbin A generative new deal for the outback
6 John McLaughlin The E-Beef Project: Supporting the Grazing Community and the Environment by promoting the adopting of new and emerging technologies.
7 Luke Hoolihan Drones and the future – how emerging tech can help you and the land – now.
8 Giselle Whish Potential impacts of Indian couch invasion on production and enterprise profitability
9 Ric Silcock Soil factors other than phosphorus that affect buffel grass establishment
10 Hayley McMillan How do on-farm improvements affect your environmental stewardship credentials?
11 Graham Finlayson Scaling up regeneration in the rangelands; finding true sustainability and regeneration of the land with long term profitability through reconnecting people back into the landscape.
12 Jason Barnetson Determining antecedent pasture state for climate-resilient grazing across the rangelands of Queensland: An integrated UAV and satellite-based deep-learning method for estimating time-integrated measures of pasture yield and digestibility.
13 Zoey Durmic Evaluating Native Pilbara Plants for Alternative Seed-Use Supplies Whilst Providing Ecosystem Support and Meeting Mine Rehabilitation Targets
14 Terry Beutel How long are those fences?
15 Terry Beutel Testing a new perspective on remotely sensed ground cover
16 Terry Beutel The Queensland land condition monitoring program; up and running.
17 Greg Leach Agcare; natural capital certification for landscape resilience
18 Timothy Cowan The meteorology and forecast potential of the February 2019 northern Queensland floods
19 David Cobon A Drought Hub for Rangelands From Central NSW to the Gulf
20 Christa Pudmenzky Extreme climate forecasting tools for the northern red meat industry
21 Robyn Cowley Do we really need to burn the bushes? 29 years of the Kidman Springs Fire Experiment, NT
22 Anna Cochrane Modern leadership in the Australian pastoral industry
23 Luke Stacey Changes in land management practices have reduced wind erosion on the cropping country of south-western NSW
24 Nicole Spiegel Looking back 30 years: An historical analysis of pasture change at QGraze sites with special emphasis on Indian couch in Queensland’s grazing lands
25 Nicole Spiegel Indian couch vs. native pastures: Quantified production differences using the SWIFTSYND methodology
26 Nicole Spiegel Investigating the spread and impact of Indian couch in Queensland and identifying management options for beef producers
27 Craig Gillespie Bulldozers for conservation; closing redundant pastoral dams to protect threatened mallee birds
28 Bob Shepherd The north Queensland beef industry trifecta
29 Tanisha Shields Improving Tactical Decision Making – an approach to grazing management training in the rangelands
30 Rebecca Farrell Measuring ground cover with satellite data: an overview of products
31 Sharmila Sur Prospects for extending seasonal climate prediction beyond a year
32 Paul Theakston Aboriginal cultural site protection – a three way collaboration
33 John Leys Was 2019/20 the dustiest year since 1944/45 in New South Wales?
34 Mitchell Plumbe Pathways to adoption
35 Alison Kain Quality Graze; Turning Off Beef While Improving Land Condition in Central Australia
36 Alex Baumber Building a social licence for the emerging carbon farming sector in the rangelands
37 Tim Huggins Wet season phosphorus supplementation increases grazing pressure
38 Chelsea Jarvis Developing and Using Climate Products for Practice Change
39 Shane Campbell Cereus uruguayanus; a non-opuntioid cactus threatening rangeland environments
40 Hanh Nguyen Evaporative Stress Index: Introducing an index for monitoring rapid transitions into and out of drought
41 Andrew Craig The Influence of Wet Season Rainfall and Wildfire on Aristida Latifolia Frequency
42 Paul Webb Quantifying the outcomes of NRM investment in improved grazing land management
43 Paul Webb Strategic intervention in rangelands riparian health using innovative GIS and public benefit assessment tools
44 Alaya Spencer Non-market valuation of rangelands landscapes; valuing recreation in the Kimberley
45 Matthew Wheeler Introducing some rangeland-relevant prediction products: Northern Rainfall Onset and Rainfall Bursts
46 Trudie Atkinson TACTICAL GRAZING MANAGEMENT – A proven workshop combining science and landholder knowledge
47 Susan Orgill The living skin of the rangelands; co-designed research in the NSW rangelands
48 Susan Orgill Rangelands rehydration; a landscape scale approach to increase ground cover and soil carbon
49 Justin Macor Long-Term Changes in Native Pasture Composition in North Queensland Under Different Grazing Management Strategies
50 Trudie Atkinson Supporting and tracking the development of the Australian goatmeat industry
51 Paul Jones Spelling strategies for recovery of poor land condition
52 Paul Jones Paddock Scale Demonstration of the Key Principles Arising From the Wambiana Grazing Trial
53 Paul Jones Stomping out sediment in the Burdekin
54 Peter Hutton BeefLinks project to improve WA rangeland cattle production
55 Linda Anderson Accelerating change for ecological function and production; a 12 month case study at Basalt River Station
56 Gabrielle Penna Buffel (Cenchrus ciliaris) pasture productivity in Central Queensland
57 Brian Jenkins Building connections between soil science and Indigenous land management in the NSW rangelands
58 Maree Bowen Opportunities to build resilience of beef cattle properties in the Mulga Lands of south west Queensland
59 Neil Cliffe Managing drought in Australian rangelands through applied research and extension: The Drought and Climate Adaptation Program
60 Bruce Honeywill Law on the rangelands
61 Robert Hassett Land condition assessment tool (LCAT); documenting land resources and condition
62 Morgan Gronold The fence that’s saving the outback
63 Brad Hough The effect of fire on the long term dynamics of Carissa ovata (Currant bush)
64 Peter O’Reagain Managing Sustainably and Profitably in a Highly Variable Climate; Results From the Long Term Wambiana Grazing Trial
65 George Wilson Low emission kangaroo to help Australia achieve rangeland meat production targets
66 Peta Stockwell Success in the northern Brigalow Belt: low rainfall, residual pasture and reef regulations in the rangelands
67 Jo Quinlan Grazing Systems – 30 Years of Change in Australia
68 Dana Kelly Glossary of people-focused terms related to rangelands
69     Rangeland Condition in the Desert Channels Region
70 David Phelps Queensland’s sheep and goat industry expansion – implications for rangeland management and RD&E
71 Matthew Richardson Targeting the optimal steer age of turn off in central-western Queensland improves profitability and increases drought resilience
72 Phillipa Gilmore Rangelands of central-western Queensland: Building resilient and diverse livestock production systems
73 Leanne Ezzy Benefits of mosaic burning spinifex in conservation and pastoral areas
74 Tim Driscoll How mental fitness helps on-ground decision making
75 Peter Day Rabbit management; a foundation for healthy rangelands
76 Heather Neilly Converting rangelands to reserves; small mammal and reptile responses 24 years after domestic livestock grazing removal
77 Megan Willis Extension with direction; an extension model for the Burdekin Catchment
78 James L Walker Periodic Business Models in the Rangelands and supporting Ag Tech
79 Jodie Ward Historical trends in FutureBeef website use 2012 – 2020
80 Jodie Ward Clicked or dismissed? How to write a well-read e-newsletter article
81 Christopher Kiernan Sustainable road corridor land management in Central Western Queensland
82 Leanne Hardwick Hopping on the impacts of grasshoppers across central and north-west Queensland
83 Lachlan Godson Addressing Phosphorus Deficiency in Northern Australian Beef Production
84 Fran Lyons Grazing to Grow More Grass “A Practical Guide to Using Livestock to Improve Land Condition and Why It Works”
85 David Phelps The History of Longreach seep and wool production
86 Grant Stone MyFORAGE: an interactive map tool to customise property information
87 Grant Stone A narrative-driven animation to increase understanding of terciles for knowledge of seasonal conditions and land management decision-making
88 Mark Trotter Digitally marketing the rangelands: can sensor technologies be applied to provide consumers with an engaging narrative around livestock products?
89 Mark Trotter Spatial landscape utilisation by sheep and goats in rangeland environments
90 Jane Tincknell Pots of Hope: Assessing Landscape Recovery Potential Through Soil Seed Bank Viability Testing
91 Stuart Buck Is there a link between dieback in Mitchell grass across central-west Queensland and sown-pastures through eastern Queensland?
92 Dana Kelly International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists _ planning session NOTE:This session would ideally be a interactive workshop and could include a short film international films. An official launch of the IYRP could be planned as well.
93 Barry Traill The benefits for graziers of maintaining Dingoes
94 Riley Rocco Landholder led conservation in the rangelands
95 Kate Brown Stocktake GLM – the App for Grazing Land Management
96 Fiona Garland Still hopping towards better kangaroo management
97 Anne Alison E-Beef Smart Farming in Northern Queensland – trialing agtech to assist producers in making timely management decisions
98 Chelsea Webster How nutrient water technology for livestock can assist with the sustainability of rangeland grazing systems
99 Wendy Williams Machine learning and smart phone images to quantify beneficial biocrusts and their recovery after fire and grazing
100 Michael Pratt Managing cattle, sheep and goats during drought in central-western Queensland
101 Wendy Williams Biocrust hotspots for grazing management and biodiversity in northern Australia
102 Renee Rossini Conservation and cattle; creating tools to streamline the way we can work together to create and measure natural capital
103 Renee Rossini Building a sustainable business model using the Land Restoration Fund
104 Dionne Walsh How deep are the pockets of the north Australian environmental capital bank?
105 Angus Whyte Drought Management – A Southern Rangeland Perspective & Why I consider Conservative set stocking (considered to be the best management system) a myth
106  Ross  Garnaut Renewables rangelands renaissance
107 Dalene  Wray Are Clean Green Rangelands Enough?  Page 2
108 David Phelps   PaTraditional and western knowledge systems are critical and complementary in research
109 Josh Nicholls Adoption of Technology in NRM – NQ Dry Tropics
110 Robyn Cowley Practising what we preach -– implementing our fire recommendations at a commercial scale on Victoria River Research Station